Reza Deghati

Reza Deghati is a very successful and prolific Iranian photographer, currently residing in Paris. Reza's pictures are widely distributed in more than 50 countries around the world. See the March and April 1996 issues of National Geographic Magazine for some of his recent photographs from Xinjiang in China. Check the end of this page for a few of Reza's famous photographs. Here is the biography and some background on Reza Deghati: 


1952 Born July 26, in Tabriz, Iran. 
1968 Teaches himself the priciples of photography 
1970 High School graduate, concentation in sciences. 
Begins physics studies at the University of Tabriz. 
1971/77 Architecture studies at the University of Tehran. 
Begins to photoghaph the rural society and architecture in Iran. 
    1978 Works for Agence France Press during the revolution 
    1979 Gives up architexture in favor of photography 
    1978/81 Newsweek correspondent in Iran 
    1983/88 Time Magazine's middle East correspondent 
    1989/90 Consultant to the United Nations humanitarian program in Afghanistan 
    1989/95 Reports fof Unicef 
    1990/95 Reports for National Geographic Magazine 
Main Publications: 
Germany - Ster, Geo, Nieuwe revu, Bunte, Zeit Magazine, Der Spiegel 
Switzerland - Le Nouvel Illustre 
France - Paris-Match, Geo, Le Nouvel Observateur, Figaro Magazine, 
L'Express, Le Monde..... 
United Kingdom - THe Observer, The Sunday Times Magazine, The Independent 
Spain - El Pais 
Italy - Infinito, Oggi, Isole, Epoca, L'Espresso, Corriere della Sera, Airone 
USA - Newseweek, Times, Magazine, Life, National Geographic Magazine 

Individual Exhibtions 

1979 Iran, moderna Art Museum, Teharn. 
1981 Iranian Kurdish, La Mutualite, Paris. 
1984 Kurdistan, Opening exhibit at the Kurd Institute, Paris. 

Group Exhibits: 

1983 Lebanon, Athens 
1983 Lebenon, London 
1983 World Press Photo, Amsterdam 
1984 Iran/Iranian Kurdistan, FNAC, Paaris. Travelling exhibition in Europe 
1986 South Africa, FNAC, Paris Traveling exhibition in Europe. 
1986 World Press photo, Amsterdam 
1987 Afghanistan, ICP, New York 
1988 Iran, Cahiers d'exil, FIAP, Paris 
1988 Photojounalism, Centre Georges Pompidou, 
1988 Pakistan as seen by Iranian photographers, Karachi Press Club. 
1988 50 European photographers, Greece 
1991 France, county o exile, FNAC, Paris 
1993 Central Asian Republics: Tadjikistan, FNAC, Paris 5th Havana 
1994 Republica Islamica Del Iran: Viva La Muerte, 5th Havana Biennical, Cuba 
1994 Cairo, Les Allumees, Nantes 
1995 Turkey, 7th annual photojounalism festival, Perpignan. 


1983 World Press "News Feature Series" (2nd Prize) 
1986 World Press "News Feature Series" (2nd Prize) 

Biographical Articles: 

1983 Photo Reporter, November Paris 
1983 Focus: Kabul 
1985 Liberation newspaper, February 14, Paris 
1989 Photomagazine, June, Paris 
1992 The Independent Magazine, No. 221, Reza by Neil Jordan, U.K. 


1983 Paix en Galilee, Beyrouth, Les Editions de Minuit, Paris 
1984 Frieden fur Galilaa, Beirut, Buntbuch, Hambourg 
1985 A day in the life of Canada 
1986 Bayan Ki, Project 28 Days, Hong Kong A day in the life of America 
1987 Paris Pekin Paris, les editions d'art phoebus, Rouen 
1989 Het oog van de oerlog, amsterdam Trois jours en France, Nathan, Paris 
1991 Atlas du Monde Arabe, Bordas, Paris 
1992 Around the world, Imax, Paris 
1995 Les chants brules, Benteli, Berne 

Television and Radio: Reza is a regular correspondent for BBC Persian, RFI (Radio France Int'l) Persian. He has been interviewed by France Onter (1993) and participated in the Cercle de Minuit, cultural television program in France. During the 7th photojournalism festival of Perpignan in 1995, Reza was interviewed by France Culture, as well as by Paris Premiere and Farance 3 Provence. 

Teaching Experience: Reza has given courses and workshops on photojounalism in various European and American Universities: 

Ecole Nationale del la Photograhie (Arles): 
Instructor in Reporting, 1987, 1988. 
Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie (Arles): 
Instructor for Photojournalism workshops, 1987, 1993. 
Ecole d'Art, MJM, Paris: 
Instructor for Reporting, 1989. 
Ecole M121 - Careers in Photo, Montreuil: 
Reporting insturctor since the founding in 1990 
Geprgetown University, Washington, D.C. : 
Photojournalism Lectures in 1991, 1993, 1995. 
CFJP ( Center for the professional training of journalists): 
Instructor for designing and executing reporting for journalists already in possession of a press card, since 1990. 
Istanbul Fines Arts University (Turkey): 
Lecture on photojournalism, November 1993. 
Doctors Without Borders ( Medecins Sans Frontieres) 
Lecture on Rwanda and Burundi in 1994. 
Lecture on south Africa in 1985. 
Amnesty International: 
Lecture on south Africa in 1986. 

Here are a few of Reza's famous photographs: